Holiday Closings

April Closings:

The library will be closed on Friday April 6th for Good Friday

March and April program details found below are: Pajama Story Time, Deisel Dan "Catch a Dragon by the Tale" Story Time, Dragon movie, Dan Rickard "Trip to Ireland Programs".

The new year is here! Now is the time to dust off that library card and visit the Oxford Memorial Library. If you do not have a library card stop by and see us. It is free to sign up. All we will need is a valid photo ID and a short application completed to get you ready to check out books.We have many great books, magazines, newspapers, videos, DVDs, and reference materials for your enjoyment and information. Internet access is also available for any patron age 10 and up on one of our 3 public computers. You will need a valid and fine free library card and complete a short orientation application to use the internet services.We also have great meeting spaces to accomodate almost any size group. Call the library at 843-6146 or stop by the front desk to pick up an application for room use. All applications MUST be pre-approved by the Library Director prior to use.

Please be sure to encourage your child to not only read for school, but to take time each day and read for pleasure. In addition to great books, reading can include a newspaper, magazine, or graphic novel. Maybe together you and your child can read a book that inspired a movie. Then watch the movie and compare it to the book. The result may surprise you.

You can find the Oxford Memorial Library on Facebook.

Monday, January 9, 2012

4-H Fun Days at the Oxford Library

Join Chenango County 4-H on January 19th from 3pm-5pm at the Oxford Memorial Library for FREE, hands-on activities. The program is open to all Chenango County youth ages 5-19. This will be a fun-filled learning environment for after school. We will have lots of fun and exciting activities with every child completing take home projects. To find out more about Chenango County 4-H visit

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